Sunday, January 26, 2014

12 Weeks!

My little Olive is 12 weeks!! (tomorrow) I knew when I started back to work that things would start moving at warp speed but holy moly. I can't believe she's about to be 3 months. She is developing quite the personality. I feel that we are going to have a curious humorous little girl on our hands. She is not shy toward strangers, she still loves new stimulation, and she has recently found her hands. She is still exclusively breast fed and enjoys going on walks with mom and dad. Her best friend is her sweet cousin Cassie who loves to be her little momma and give her pacis (any that she can find lol) bottles and kisses. I have been told these two smile at each other all the time but I sooo want to see it :) For those of you who are wondering why I havent yet- it's because this happens while im at work. Olivia spends her days at my brothers place with her cousins! such a blessing. Anyway here's some of our favorites from the past few weeks:

  • Emergency bath. We had a poop explosion on the changing table that not even the new diaper underneath could contain. Olivia just smiled and smiled about it lol.
  • Our walks through the neighborhood. She loves them! and so does Gus Gus.
  • She loves the funny noises mom and dad make.
  • We have a baby genius who already said her first word "mama" HA! ok, it probably wasnt intentional.
  • Speaking of first words- she loves to talk. Every night when we get home I prop her on my lap and ask about her day. She always smiles and talks back. It's seriously my favorite. 
  • She has found her hands. Im waiting for her to find her toes and start doing the "happy baby" yoga pose :)
  • She is also grasping things. She loves her "fifi" short for feona. Her giraffe paci that she now clings to even if she isnt using the paci part. We also introduced her fist lovey which is a puppy and she likes to cuddle with that when she falls asleep in her rocker. 
  • She started using her pouty lip. Right before she starts to cry she'll stick it way out and Micah and I just laugh.. which I think frustrates her more lol. 

This is from one of our nightly conversations. Now can you see why I love it soo much? 

A brief update on me: We saw the LC and she was super helpful. I think the tips she provided will fix the majority of my issues so we can move forward with exclusively breast feeding at least for a few more months. I'm feeling better in terms of sickness. I think this weather coupled with germs really knocked me on my butt. I really appreciate all the support from my last post. Every comment/message helped my to keep going. Yall rock! thank you :)

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